Thursday, February 16, 2017

MomGyver Survivor-Aren't we all? Intro to my blog.

As a parent, or in my case, a mom of 3, we all face challenge after challenge, day after day, heck, lets face it, minute by minute, and yet somehow we still survive.  We come up with answer after answer, solution after solution, and most of the time, if you are like me, you pull it out of thin air, dash it with a little experience, and sprinkle it with a bit of Google (or a heavy dose of Google) and some my-mom-did-it-this-way-so-I'll-try-it-too.

This, our ability to adapt ingeniously to each given situation at the drop of a hat, is what I call MomGyver-ing.  I sometimes surprise myself with the 'skills' and 'advice' or 'solutions' I come up with, and end up taking a double take, or finding myself wanting to post it on Facebook or some other social media for the world to hear because darn, it was just that ingenious. 

Hence, this blog.  Actually, the driving force behind this blog is sharing what I've learned along the way.  It's my hope that I can share our parenting experiences and struggles and successes, and yes, even failures, so that others who dare to read this, can have an easier time with their struggles, rejoice with us when we rejoice, and even offer advice for our struggles and failures.  This is another way for me to contribute to the village.

This blog will hopefully be a way for me to touch others when they need reassurance that they aren't alone, inspire others when they need inspiration, and encourage others when they need encouragement.  It'll no doubt be wordy, hopefully funny, most likely emotional, and definitely chalked full of sarcasm.

I'm a Christian mom of 3 wonderful, big-personality kids.  I'm a wife of a loving, hard-working, supportive husband.  I'm a homemaker, and all that comes with it.  We live on a 5-acre hobby farm, in a small community in rural Minnesota.  We are a God loving, chemical-free, essential oil using, mostly organic eating family trying to do the best we can, day by day, MomGyver-ing it along the way.

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